Using {tidymodels} with the food tracker dataset
Feature engineering with dates
Page to plot
Hashtag hashtag analysis
Tweet timing
Analysing Twitter data
Data cleaning and exploration with data.table
Stop using iris
Changing the look of your ggplot2 objects
Data visualisation and hawks with ggplot2
My favourite RStudio tricks
Are degrees required for data science?
Route mapping from GPS files
Negation in Fringe review sentiment analysis
Things I learnt in September and October 2019
Sentiment analysis at the Fringe with lexicons
What gets reviewed at the Edinburgh Fringe?
Raise your regexpectations
Using rvest to redo my dissertation
Introducing Fringe Roulette
Things I learnt in June 2019
More maps! and some cautionary words
Mapping the SO Developer Survey
Three reasons why I use data.table
Find your slow with profvis
Words in Shakespeare: styling in Shiny
Words in Shakespeare: exploring the data